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Li Zi-zhong

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Lecturer Li zizhong


July 2006 to February 2010 has been deputy doctorate in political science and a master's degree in political science St. Petersburg State University,

Research: "Political problems of international relations and global development."


"Contemporary World Economy and Politics," "contemporary political science research in Russia", "modern Western political thought", "history of Western political system," "Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics" and so on.

Research experience:

Published the paper "On the current Sino-Russian bilateral relations," "political culture of contemporary Russia and its commonality analysis" and so on; participate in international and domestic academic conferences published papers: "After the world economic crisis in different manifestations of globalization in Russia and China "" On the forefront of contemporary Russian International political Studies "," On the socialist core value system of Chinese contemporary college students dream "and so on. Four involved in research projects.