

[Events]Notice on the Establishment of “Party Member Pioneer Example Demonstration Post” in the School of Marxism
Time:2023-11-22 11:57    Hits:
[News]Glad Tidings: Twelve Projects of Our School in 2023 Have Been Approved by the Sichuan Social Science Fund
Time:2023-11-10 10:47    Hits:
[News]Glad Tidings | Our School Has Been Approved to Establish a Post-doctor Scientific Research Mobile Station for Marxist Theory
Time:2023-11-08 10:46    Hits:
[Events]【Doctoral Students】 Notice on Registration of This Semester’s Doctoral Student Thesis Proposal, Interim Defense, and Pre-defense
Time:2023-10-30 11:54    Hits:
[News]Our School’s Faculty Members and Students Are Invited to the Sichuan Politics Society’s 2023 Annual Academic Meeting & The Theoretical Seminar on “Chinese-style Modernization and Grassroots Governance in Sichuan”
Time:2023-10-28 10:43    Hits:
[Events]【Postgraduates】Announcement of the List of Proposed Winners for the 2023 Postgraduate National Scholarship and the Yanghua Xinxiu Scholarship
Time:2023-10-10 11:52    Hits:
[News]Glad Tidings: Six Projects of Our School in 2023 Have Been Approved by the National Social Science Fund of China
Time:2023-09-26 10:39    Hits:
[News]Professor Lin Bohai of the School of Marxism Is Awarded the Honourable Title of “Outstanding Teacher in Sichuan Province”
Time:2023-09-06 10:32    Hits:
[Events]Notice on the Faculty Member and Staff Meeting and the Commendation Meeting for Outstanding Groups and Advanced Individuals in the Autumn Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year of School of Marxism
Time:2023-09-04 11:49    Hits:
[Events]Notice on Holding the School of Marxism’s Meeting Between Faculty Members and Students for New Students of Class of 2027
Time:2023-09-01 11:45    Hits: