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The School Holds Workshop on the Compilation of the Oral History of the Older Generation of Ideological and Political Educators

Source:  Author:     Time:2020-09-22 18:00   Hits:124  

In order to effectively promote the salvage of the history of the School, and the academic data of the older generation of ideological and political educators, the School holds the Workshop on the Compilation of the Oral History of the Older Generation of Ideological and Political Educators in the meeting room of Wanqingyuan, Jiuli Campus on the afternoon of September 17, 2020. Representatives of the older generation of ideological and political educators from the Teaching and Research Section of Marxism and Leninism of SWJTU, such as Zhu Ling, Deng Jieseng, Wang Haowu, Zhang Xianzhi, He Yun’an, Lin Bohai, Hu Zixiang and several project team members, participated in this seminar.

Lin Bohai, Dean of the School, walked the attendees through the Teaching and Research Section of Marxism and Leninism of SWJTU and expressed his sincere respect to the older generation of ideological and political educators, pointing out that the younger generation of educators should uphold the spirit of their predecessors and draw on their valuable lessons through the compilation project. Hu Zixiang, the project leader and Deputy Dean of the School, analyzed the background of the project, outlined the collection, discovery and compilation of physical data and documentary materials, and set a preliminary plan for the initiation of the Compilation Project of the Oral History of the Older Generation of Ideological and Political Educators.

The workshop culminated with a lively discussion among the representatives. Professor Zhang Xianzhi first introduced the traditional strengths of the School, such as a strong team of Marxist-Leninist teachers, a state-of-the-art archive and the well-aligned faculty. Professor Deng then suggested that the discovery and compilation of the oral history of the older generation of ideological and political educators should focus on the milestones such as the expansion of the faculty of the Teaching and Research Section of Marxism and Leninism in 1960, the recruitment of Marxist-Leninist teachers since 1978, and the inception of the ideological and political education major in 1987. His suggestion was followed by Professor Zhu Ling’ remarks: “History is worth learning. There are a lot of great lessons in ideological and political education waiting to be tapped, so we should seize the opportunity and take the initiative as soon as possible.” He also emphasizes that the founding of the Teaching and Research Section of Marxism and Leninism, the priority that successive school leaders have placed on the construction of the ideological and political education, the training of young teachers, and the construction of the archive as noteworthy aspects. Professor Wang Haowu for his part gave a review of the experiences of the older generation of ideological and political educators who paid much attention to the study of teaching content and method, their study of Marxist-Leninist classics, and the inception of Marxist-Leninist elective courses. Professor He Yun’an also pointed out that the takeover of the School after the War of Liberation, the history of the ideological and political education, the innovation of the Marxist-Leninist teachers, the construction of the archive, the institutional construction of the teaching and research section and the relationship with the Soviet advisors are points of interest in the compilation project.

The representatives present agree that this project will benefit the continuation of ideological and political education in the School, and promote the teaching and research of ideological and political education.